I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Don't Mourn, Organize!". Usually I don't even look at bumper stickers let alone give them any credence, but this one struck a chord.
Over the past several months I've been wringing my hands over the current economic situation just like everyone else. And for good reason. But at what point do you stop wringing your hands and decide that enough is enough? For me that point came last week. Concern had turned to fear, and fear had turned into paralysis. Paralysis is failure and failure, my friends, is not an option. So, I organized my thoughts, organized my home office and have been working overtime to organize my portfolio. My goal is simple. Find new clients and new opportunities both in and outside of the promotional marketing industry.
Apparently, I'm not the only person out there who is organizing. I have have heard rumblings that the clients are starting to loosen their purse strings, and I know several agencies that are pitching new business like there's no tomorrow. Let's hope the trend continues, but there is no reason it wouldn't. I think it's safe to say that both brands and consumers are beginning to relate to the "paralysis = failure" philosophy, and are changing gears to create success. While it may take some time to see things really pick up I'm becoming more and more optimistic.
Wait a minute, did I just say that I was optimistic? Wow. Things must be turning around for me to say something so un-Slim-like!
I think companies and agencies are about running true to form with my end-of-2008 predictions. The nation entered 2009 with dread and fear; You knew January was going to be a month of cutting costs, layoffs, reduced budgets and less freelance. You could figure that February would not be much better.
ReplyDeleteBut once the smoke clears, those now-understaffed agencies realize they need to pitch business and have 2010 planning, which usually starts up in April. So, logically, purse strings start to loosen a bit. But, only a bit.
Hopefully, some local places will get some more business, which will employ more staff. That's the hope, right? There are a few pitches floating about that may give some local agencies some business boost. Cross those fingers! I've heard too many stories of layoffs and freelancers who haven't been booked in months. It'd be nice to see a turnaround somewhere.
As far as freelancing individuals, everyone should ALWAYS make it a practice to UTILIZE downtime. Unless I'm on vacation officially, I get up at my normal workday time (more or less) and use "days off" to organize, update portfolio and seek out new business opportunities... or, better yet, do some personal projects close to my heart. But then again, I'm told I'm a typical Taurus, and my work ethic quotient is high. I'm a project-person.
And for all the creative freelancers in promotion, just think: what do comapnies need when sales lag or no one is eating at their restauarants? They need PROMOTION! They just might not know it yet. If there's not immediate work, try to go out and create some.
No more paralysis in 2009! :)