Since work has been pretty dead I haven't been that diligent about posting any updates to the blog. After all, why post anything if there is nothing new to report. I've been getting lax in other areas as well. Like keeping my phone on all the time. Too bad for me since this new-found complacency just cost me several thousand dollars. Yes, I got a call last week to work on-site for several days. Unfortunately, when I didn't promptly return the call, the gig went to another freelancer who did answer their phone. Now that was an expensive lesson.
Speaking of expensive and phones... as you can see from the photo, I need a new phone. I'd like to get an iPhone, but both the phone and data plan make my wallet itch. Yes, I know. It's all a tax write-off, but it's hard to put out that kind of dough when the cash flow is low - yo. So, what's a poor freelancer to do? I'll probably just go for it. You can't hope to successfully run a business by just eking by on antiquated equipment. And since a cell phone is the life-blood of a freelancer I should probably get a good one.
The fact that the iPhone is cool as hell doesn't hurt either.