I could have used any number of trite images for this post. A revolving door, musical chairs, etc. The "grass is always greener on the other side" image works too I guess. Maybe it's just that I really like goats.
Anyhow, seems like another "Career Freelancer" has left the fold to take a staff position. Yes, Daily Freelancer contributor Joe Criscoulo is now on staff at TracyLocke. Ironically enough Joe was the first person I heard use the term "Career Freelancer", so I credit him as coining the phrase. In the past year folks like Brant Johnson and John Whitmer (both long-time freelancers) also left freelancing for staff positions. Of all the freelancers I know, I would have never thought any of these guys would go back on staff. I'm commenting on all this because I believe this observation epitomizes just how difficult freelancing can be even for those of us who have become well established.
At the same time, folks like Steve Kelly, Ludwig Gayanillo and our friend Kathy Vass (all long-time staffers) have all chosen freelancing over working on staff. Hmmmmm. So which side has the greener grass? Answer: neither. The decision to go staff or freelance isn't made on a whim, it's made as a last resort. Staffers go freelance out of frustration. Freelancers go back on staff out of desperation. Unfortunately, these aren't positions you want to be in, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. In addition to ensuring your bills are getting paid, a fresh start can certainly invigorate creativity, and open up new opportunities. In the end, all the experience gained as a freelancer will make you a better staffer, and all the time spent on staff will make you a better freelancer.
I wish everyone well in their new endeavors. Just remember, if you're not a freelancer anymore you can't read this blog!
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