I was talking with fellow Freelancer Matt Pisani the other day about really bad logo designs that we've seen. It's a subject that I'm sure any freelancer could talk about for hours. The logo above is one of the worst I've ever seen. I was forced to place this horrific abomination in a layout back in March for a big name brand (which I won't mention here), and my mind is still reeling from having done so.
Matt directed me towards a web site called "YourLogoMakesMeBarf.com" which I found to be greatly amusing. I also did a Google search for "worst logo ever" and came up with even more design atrocities. Check out this beaut...

These next two have made their way around the web for some time now, and there are a ton of similar ones out there - if you know what I mean. Just timeless examples of "epic design failure" through and through...

Here is a local one I spotted while driving down the Berlin Turnpike this weekend. To me this reads as "Drave Auto Group", and even more so at a distance.

Obviously, none of these wretched blights were produced by a real designer. I think this highlights the fact that there are a multitude of local businesses out there who are just too cheap, or too lazy to find a real graphic designer who can make them look professional. Well, at least their folly gives me something to laugh at. Thanks cheapskates!
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