In the past few weeks I've been visiting quite a few illustration and design websites. When I find an especially talented or successful artist, I like to check out their profiles to see where they went to school, and what clients they have worked for. LinkedIn is another site I have been exploring. As you probably already know, LinkedIn is a professional networking website where you can post your resume, and keep connected with your coworkers, both past and present.
Some statistics say that over 50% of people take certain... "creative liberties" with their resume. But it's always amusing when you find someone getting a little too creative with their history and credentials - especially when "creativity" becomes blatant fiction. For example, I found a young lady (24 y.o.) residing in the great state of Texas who claims to be an "award-winning designer". Wow, I wonder what awards she has won? Come to find out it was an award she received in college for her year book, or a student art show, or some such nonsense. Hey, I won third place in the Pinewood Derby when I was in the Boy Scouts! Does that mean I'm an "award-winning designer" too?
Another favorite of mine is when I see employment dates that completely conflict, or huge career advancements that make no sense whatsoever. I read a resume of a SVP, Creative Director in Chicago who stated that his first job was an Associate Creative Director position which he held for 2 years. A position that he somehow landed 2 years before graduating with his BFA. Wow. That is soooo spooky. ME TOO!
The best is when folks fib about their technical abilities. I found an older gentleman (mid 50s) here in the Northeast who outlined in great detail how proficient he is with manipulating digital content. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, Painter, Quark, and Corel Draw were all listed as "known applications". Then I saw his portfolio. Right. Hey, I'm no digital DiVinci, but I'm thinking that this guy has a hard time opening Photoshop, let alone color correcting an image. As chef Gordon Ramsey would say, "It's fucking dire mate".
I guess if public humiliation is your bag then you can make as many wild claims as you want. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to the Oscars to accept my award. After that I'll head on over to my 75th high school reunion where I'll let all of my old classmates know that I've just accepted the appointment of Viceroy to the Republic of Rhodesia. Feel free to flood my inbox with all of the accolades and encomia which I so richly deserve!
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